
Definitions of Health Terms


One of several alternative forms of a gene sequence at a specific Locus


A condition where some or all hair is lost from the head and/or other parts of the body

Amino Acid

Organic compounds that combine to form proteins


Decrease in number of red blood cells (RBCs) or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood


The loss of voluntary coordinated movement of the body indicating an underlying neurologic issue


The partial or complete wasting away of a part of the body, such as the muscles

Autosomal Dominant

A pattern of inheritance in which an affected dog has one copy of a gene that contains a change or Mutation and one normal gene on a pair of chromosomes. Offspring have a 50% chance of inheriting the disease causing gene.

Autosomal Recessive

A pattern of inheritance in which an affected dog must have two copies of an abnormal gene in order to present with the disease or trait.
If a disease is autosomal recessive, combinations including one genetically healthy (both chromosomes have clear/normal alleles) dog can be used for breeding, as this prevents the birth of individuals with defective genotypes.

Autosomal or X Chromosome Dominant

When the inheritance of a disease is either autosomal or X chromosome dominant, only a combination of two healthy dogs (neither parent is even a carrier of the defect allele) can guarantee that no affected progeny will be born.


A broad category of diseases that affect the heart and/or blood vessels.


A dog that has only one copy of an abnormal gene for a recessive disease. Carriers are not typically expected to have any features of the disease but are at risk of passing on the disease to offspring if bred with another Carrier of the same condition.


A clouding of the lens inside the eye which leads to a decrease in vision.


A structure in the brain known to control voluntary movements of the body

Cerebrospinal Fluid

Clear fluid in the spinal cord and surrounding the brain that acts as a cushion, protecting the brain and spine from injury


An organized structure of DNA and protein found in cells which encodes most or all of the dog's genetic information. Each cell of the dog contains 78 chromosomes or 39 pairs.


A protein that is the main component of Connective Tissue including ligaments, tendon, bone and skin


A key-hole shaped defect of the eye that is present from birth

Cone Cells

Photoreceptor Cells in the Retina of the eye that are responsible for color vision, especially in bright light

Connective Tissue

A fibrous type of tissue that provides support for other tissues


Failure of one or both testicles to descend into the scrotum


Changes in awareness, deficits in learning and memory, and decreased responsiveness to stimuli that typically progress over time

Dominant Modifier

Dominant Modifier is a gene or variation of a gene that alters the expression or physical presentation of another gene. Dominant modifiers only require one copy of the genetic variation to modify the expression or physical presentation of another gene.


An eye test that evaluates the function of the photoreceptor (Rod and cone) cells of the Retina


Complex proteins that cause a specific chemical change in all parts of the body


The segments of a gene whose sequence is expressed by formation of messenger RNA and (usually) protein


Increased pressure within the eye


A series of alleles found at linked loci on a single Chromosome


Excessive bleeding


Having two different alleles at a particular Locus


Having identical alleles at a particular Locus


Over-secretion of the parathyroid hormone from the parathyroid glands.


Insufficient amount of calcium in the blood


Low blood sugar


Insufficient levels of minerals, typically referring to bone and teeth


Removal of a female dog's uterus

In Utero

Before birth; in a uterus.

Inclusion Bodies

Distinct aggregates of protein in a cell that are visible using a microscope

Incomplete Penetrance

Individual has the Mutation but does not show signs of the disease


The specific site of a gene on a Chromosome

Lysosomal Storage Disorder

A group of metabolic disorders that are characterized by the absence of a specific Enzyme that is important in the breaking down of specific substances in the body. Deficiencies in the enzyme lead to abnormal accumulation of substances within the body and can lead to severe health problems in affected dogs.


A natural substance that gives colour (pigment) to hair, skin, and the iris of the eye

Metabolic Acidosis

Occurs when the body produces too much acid, or when the kidneys are not removing enough acid from the body

Mitochondrial Inheritance

A pattern of inheritance in which traits are passed to the offspring only from the mother through DNA encoded within a cellular organelle called the mitochondrion. Dogs with a mitochondrial disease may be male or female but the condition is always inherited through the maternal line. Male dogs do not pass the condition on to future offspring.

Mitochondrion (Plural Mitochondria)

An organelle of the cell that creates energy through a series of biochemical reactions. Mitochondria have their own DNA called mtDNA.
Monogenic Inheritance
Also referred to as Simple or Qualitative Inheritance

Monogenic is a type of heredity inheritance in which a trait is defined by the transcription of a single gene as well as an allele
Dogs shown to be carriers of a monogenic recessively inherited severe disease should only be bred to a dog that is proven not to carry the allele for the same disease

Mucous Membrane

A mucus secreting layer of tissue lining cavities exposed to the external environment such as the mouth, nose, genitals, esophagus and rectum.

Multigenic Associative Markers

Multigenic associative inheritance refers to a disease or trait influenced by DNA variations found in more than one gene or genomic location. These types of DNA variants are also called "linked markers" that are associated with the disease or trait but not thought to be the actual causative Mutation(s).


A broad category of diseases that affect the muscles and/or bones.


The change from the normal to an altered form of a particular gene


An insulating layer, made of protein and fatty substances, that surrounds nerves and aids in a more rapid and efficient transmission of impulses along the the nerve cells


A muscular disease in which the muscle fibres do not function for any one of many reasons, resulting in muscular weakness

Neuromuscular Disease

A broad category of diseases that affect the muscles and/or the direct nervous system control


White blood cells that aid the immune system to fight bacteria and infection


An involuntary, rapid and repetitive movement of the eyes. Usually the movement is side-to-side (horizontal Nystagmus), but it can also be up and down (vertical nystagmus) or circular (rotary nystagmus).


An infectious agent, such as a bacteria or virus, that causes disease in its host.


The frequency with which a dog that genetically known to have a specific disease will develop symptoms or traits of that disease.


Discomfort of the eye when exposed to bright light.

Photoreceptor Cells

Specialized cells (rods and cones) located in the Retina of the eye that transmit visual information.


Blood cells that play an important role in the normal clotting of blood.

Pupillary Response

The reduction of pupil size in response to light.


The light sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the inner eye.


Soft, weak bones caused by deficiencies in vitamin D, phosporus or calcium.


Photoreceptor Cells in the Retina of the eye that are responsible for vision, especially in dim light.

Sertoli Cell Tumor

A tumor that develops primarily in the testes but may rarely occur in the ovaries.


A disease that is genetically inherited equally by both males and females, but may only present with symptoms in one of the sexes.


A reflective layer of tissue lying behind the Retina in the eye of dogs, which allows for superior vision in low light conditions.


Tubes which carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.


Tube which carries urine from the bladder out of the body.

Variable Expressivity

Refers to individuals who have the Mutation, but their clinical presentation may vary from mild to severe.

White Matter

Tissue in the brain and spinal cord that contains nerve fibres. Many of these nerve fibres are surrounded by a type of fat called Myelin which gives the whitish appearance to the White Matter.

X-chromosomal Recessive

If a disease is X-chromosomal recessive, the bitch of the combination must have a healthy genotype (both X chromosomes have normal alleles), and the male can be either healthy (X chromosome has a normal allele) or affected (mutation in the X chromosome).

X-Linked Inheritance

A pattern of inheritance in which the transmission of traits varies according to the sex of the dog, because the genes on the X Chromosome have no counterparts on the Y chromosome. The inheritance pattern may be recessive or dominant. The trait determined by a gene on the X chromosome is always expressed in males. Transmission from male to male does not occur.

X-Linked Recessive

Defines genes located on the X Chromosome. Because males have only one X chromosome, these diseases are expressed mainly in male dogs.