Cocker Info
There is a wealth of information available through breeders, friends, vets and the internet. The information below is just my opinion and does not constitute professional advice.
General Info
Information you may find interesting about cocker spaniels
Appearance Is More Than Good Looks
Why a cocker looks the way its does, and the huge importance of this.
Puppy Info
If you've enquired about a puppy from us and have been sent a password to log in you'll find a more articles I've written to help to remind you about getting a new cocker spaniel puppy. The ones included here are more general.
Breeder Links – Where to Get A Puppy
Contact Info for other reputable cocker spaniel breeders
Types of Breeders
My opinion on the differences between A Reputable Breeder and the Puppy Farmer! This is a topic I'm very emotive about.
Buying A Puppy
If you have decided a Cocker is the breed for you, its time to find a reputable breeder, they can match you with the right puppy for your lifestyle.