Price & Deposits

Once a puppy is chosen I normally send you the following email.

Puppy & Paying A Deposit etc

Its exciting choosing a puppy that will fit into your family, and I aim to help you make the right decision based on personalities and lifestyles. We can usually assess this around 4 weeks old. Once a puppy is chosen I normally send you the following email.

Well now these babies are growing daily it’s time for your deposit to confirm your commitment to your puppy.

Full price is $3500 and you are welcome to either pay the full amount or pay a $1000 deposit and pay the balance the once the full vet check has been done (I like a minimum of 1 week before collection, so I can get all the paperwork completed and insurance activated before hand over). As soon as your deposits received your name will be added to your puppy’s page, so that others know your puppy has a wonderful home and is not available.

My account details are
C A Hogg Kiwi bank 38-9005-0683163-00
Please add your surname and phone number and the PUPPY COLOUR CODE NAME as the reference on your payment.

I need from you the details you want used to register your puppy with Dogs NZ and the 6 weeks free pet insurance

This is a very exciting time and as the puppies get older they become so much fun to watch, not quite the same as being here, but I’ll continue to add photos of the website and they’ll be ore of individual puppies as they explore the world.

Don’t hesitate to phone me if you have any questions, but I am terrible to get hold of via phone so your best to email me or text 027 578 6957
Don't forget to read about feeding, toilet training bedding etc in our general puppy articles.

All deposited are receipted by email the day the are received.
If for any reason your puppy does not pass the full vet check at 6 weeks your deposit will be refunded.