Your New Puppy

Bringing a puppy home is exciting, I've added the following articles and information to refresh your memory and give you some ideas that should help your cocker spaniel become a valued member of your family. These are just my opinion and a starting point.
The photos below are all Janan Cocker Spaniel Puppies we have loving breed  

Buying A Puppy
If you have decided a Cocker is the breed for you, its time to find a reputable breeder, they can match you with the right puppy for your lifestyle.
Cocker Colours
All about the cocker spaniel colours and how they develop from birth.
Crate Training
Crate training, at a young age is super easy
Food & Treats
Food & treats for your cocker spaniel
Price & Deposits
Once a puppy is chosen I normally send you the following email.
Sleeping Arrangements
Decisions about where your cocker will sleep and bedding ideas.
Toilet Training
Toilet Training doesn't happen over night but you can make things easier for you and your cocker spaniel
Types of Breeders
My opinion on the differences between A Reputable Breeder and the Puppy Farmer! This is a topic I'm very emotive about.